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Jamal Ehsani

  • Ghazal

wo log mere bahut pyar karne wale the

vo log mere bahut pyaar karne vaale the
guzar ga.e haiñ jo mausam guzarne vaale the

na.ī rutoñ meñ dukhoñ ke bhī silsile haiñ na.e
vo zaḳhm taaza hue haiñ jo bharne vaale the

ye kis maqām pe sūjhī tujhe bichhaḌne kī
ki ab to jā ke kahīñ din sañvarne vaale the

hazār mujh se vo paimān-e-vasl kartā rahā
par us ke taur-tarīqe mukarne vaale the

tumheñ to faḳhr thā shīrāza-bandī-e-jāñ par
hamārā kyā hai ki ham to bikharne vaale the

tamām raat nahāyā thā shahr bārish meñ
vo rañg utar hī ga.e jo utarne vaale the

us ek chhoTe se qasbe pe rail Thahrī nahīñ
vahāñ bhī chand musāfir utarne vaale the

wo log mere bahut pyar karne wale the
guzar gae hain jo mausam guzarne wale the

nai ruton mein dukhon ke bhi silsile hain nae
wo zaKHm taza hue hain jo bharne wale the

ye kis maqam pe sujhi tujhe bichhaDne ki
ki ab to ja ke kahin din sanwarne wale the

hazar mujh se wo paiman-e-wasl karta raha
par us ke taur-tariqe mukarne wale the

tumhein to faKHr tha shiraaza-bandi-e-jaan par
hamara kya hai ki hum to bikharne wale the

tamam raat nahaya tha shahr barish mein
wo rang utar hi gae jo utarne wale the

us ek chhoTe se qasbe pe rail Thahri nahin
wahan bhi chand musafir utarne wale the

This video is playing from YouTube Videos
This video is playing from YouTube Jamal Ehsani

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